

英 ['ɜːmɪn] 美['ɝmɪn]
  • n. 貂;貂的白毛皮



复数: ermines;


ermine 白色鼬皮

来自拉丁语mus Armenius,即Armenian mouse.


ermine: [12] The term ermine was introduced to English from Old French as a name for the ‘stoat’, but as in the case of other words of French origin like mutton and pork which soon came to be used for the dead animals’ product rather than the live animals themselves, it was not long (about a hundred years in fact) before ermine was being applied to the stoat’s fur, and specifically to its white winter fur.

The source of the French word is not entirely clear. One school of thought derives it from medieval Latin mūs Armenius ‘Armenian mouse’, on the assumption that this denoted a ‘stoat’ or ‘weasel’, but an alternative possibility is Germanic origin.

ermine (n.)
late 12c., from Old French ermine (12c., Modern French hermine), used in reference to both the animal and the fur. Apparently the word is a convergence of Latin (mus) Armenius "Armenian (mouse)" -- ermines being abundant in Asia Minor -- and an unrelated Germanic word for "weasel" (represented by Old High German harmo "ermine, stoat, weasel," adj. harmin; Old Saxon harmo, Old English hearma "shrew," etc.) that happened to sound like it. OED splits the difference between competing theories. The fur, especially with the black of the tail inserted at regular intervals in the pure white of the winter coat, was used for the lining of official and ceremonial garments, in England especially judicial robes, hence figurative use from 18c. for "the judiciary." Related: Ermined.


1. She furred herself with ermine.


2. She was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow.


3. The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever.
只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里, 她笑得更加明快了.


4. Mademoiselle Vaubois , perfect in her style , was ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence.
弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型, 是一头冥顽不灵 、 没有一点聪明的银鼠.


5. And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her.
