

英 ['tɪns(ə)l] 美['tɪnsl]
  • n. 金属箔;俗丽的东西
  • adj. 华而不实的;闪亮的;金属箔制的;俗丽的
  • vt. 用金属箔装饰;使显得浮华



tinsel 圣诞节装饰用的箔片,金属片

来自中古法语 estincelle, 闪耀, 火光, 火星, 来自拉丁语 scintilla, 火光, 火星, 词源同 shine,scintillate.首字母-es-由于不发音最终脱落,拼写比较 study,etude,special,especial.后用于 指圣诞节期间装饰用的箔布,金属片等。


tinsel: [16] Tinsel is etymologically something that ‘sparkles’. Its ultimate source is Latin scintilla ‘spark’, which has also given English scintillate [17]. This was altered in the postclassical period to *stincilla, which passed into Old French as estincele ‘spark’. From this was derived the adjective estincelé ‘sparkling’, which was applied particularly to fabric with metallic thread woven into it. English took this over as tinselle, originally an adjective but soon used as a noun. Its derogatory connotations of ‘gaudiness’ or ‘cheap glamour’ began to emerge in the 17th century.
=> scintillate, stencil
tinsel (n.)
mid-15c., "a kind of cloth made with interwoven gold or silver thread," from Middle French estincelle "spark, spangle" (see stencil (n.)). "In 14-15th c. Fr., the s of es- had long been mute" [OED]. Meaning "very thin sheets or strips of shiny metal" is recorded from 1590s. Figurative sense of "anything showy with little real worth" is from 1650s, suggested from at least 1590s. First recorded use of Tinseltown for "Hollywood" is from 1972.


1. The room was lavishly decorated with tinsel and holly.


2. The careful design and the uncommon quality must push the brand Tinsel - ray a well - established road.
精心的设计与不凡的品质让“ Tinsel -ray” 品牌之路源远流长!


3. Amid the tinsel and shine of her state walked Carrie, unhappy.
嘉莉身居荣华富贵之中, 但并不幸福.

来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹

4. She seemed so experienced and self - reliant in her tinsel helmet and military accoutrements.

来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹

5. It was decorated with glass balls, tinsel and candle topped it.
把玻璃球 、 彩带以及蜡烛放在顶部.
