

英 ['təʊgə] 美['toɡə]
  • n. (古罗马的)宽外袍;参议员的职位
  • n. (Toga)人名;(葡、罗、意、埃塞)托加;(日)藤贺 (姓)



复数: togas;


toga 托加袍

来自拉丁语 toga,斗篷,来自 PIE*teg,*steg,遮盖,词源同 tegular,protect.用于指古罗市民穿的 宽松大袍,在古罗马时期,该衣服具有象征意义,自由民或市民被要求穿着该袍以与奴隶穿 的短上衣(tunic)相区别,短上衣便于干活,而长袍则意味着社会地位。


toga: see protect
toga (n.)
c. 1600, from Latin toga "cloak or mantle," from PIE *tog-a- "covering," from root *(s)teg- "to cover" (see stegosaurus). The outer garment of a Roman citizen in time of peace.
The toga as the Roman national dress was allowed to be worn by free citizens only. A stranger not in full possession of the rights of a Roman citizen could not venture to appear in it. Even banished Romans were in imperial times precluded from wearing it. The appearance in public in a foreign dress was considered as contempt of the majesty of the Roman people. Even boys appeared in the toga, called, owing to the purple edge attached to it (a custom adopted from the Etruscans) toga praetexta. On completing his sixteenth, afterward his fifteenth, year (tirocinium fori), the boy exchanged the toga praetexta for the toga virilis, pura, or libera--a white cloak without the purple edge. Roman ladies (for these also wore the toga) abandoned the purple edge on being married. [Guhl & Koner, "The Life of the Greeks and Romans," transl. Francis Hueffer, 1876]
Breeches, like the word for them (Latin bracae) were alien to the Romans, being the dress of Persians, Germans, and Gauls, so that bracatus "wearing breeches" was a term in Roman geography meaning "north of the Alps." College fraternity toga party was re-popularized by movie "Animal House" (1978), but this is set in 1962 and the custom seems to date from at least the mid-1950s.
Down on Prospect Street, Campus Club held a toga party, at which everyone wore togas. Charter held a come-as-you-are party, at which everyone wore what they happened to have on, and Cloister held a party called "A Night in Tahiti," at which we'd hate to guess what everyone wore. The borough police reported that only one false alarm was turned in. ["Princeton Alumni Weekly," March 19, 1954]


1. The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga policeman.


2. Katherine: But this is China, go and get changed. You are not wearing a toga.
凯思莲: 但这儿是中国, 去换掉吧,你不该穿古罗马袍子.
